
27 Mar

Genetics, Drugs, and Mental Health

Analyzing the genome of over 1 million people, researchers find specific locations and patterns within the DNA that are inherited across individuals with varying substance use disorders.

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22 Mar

Seeking Youth Ages 18 to 25 for Young Professionals Advisory Board

Are you a passionate advocate for substance use prevention? We're looking for enthusiastic, driven young professionals to join our advisory board and make a real impact in our community.

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07 Mar

Health Equity Urgently Needed for Females

While females consume about half of the nonmedical use of substances, shockingly, less than 20% of people in treatment are women and this gap is even larger in some countries.

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03 Mar

A Playful Approach to Drug Prevention: How to Do Drug Prevention Without Talking About Drugs

Today in the latest episode of our Pathways 2 Prevention Podcast, we are speaking with Anne-Kristin Imenes, Senior counselor/psychologist specialist in Norway. She shared a wonderful program that addresses mental health and life skills called Robust Youth.

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