Marijuana Use Drives Dramatic Rise in ED Visits Among Older Adults in CA

The researchers found that marijuana related ED visits among older adults increased over 1,800% during this period, from 366 visits in 2005 to 12,167 visits in 2019.

By |2023-04-24T12:44:41-04:00April 24, 2023|Current Reseach|Comments Off on Marijuana Use Drives Dramatic Rise in ED Visits Among Older Adults in CA

Marijuana policies and opioid mortality rates

Analyzing data from 1999 to 2019, researchers found that marijuana legalization is associated with higher opioid death rates, contradicting the marijuana protection hypothesis which proposes that the availability of marijuana reduces deaths from opioids.

By |2023-04-17T09:20:10-04:00April 17, 2023|Current Reseach|Comments Off on Marijuana policies and opioid mortality rates

Building Strong Communities for Youth: The Icelandic Model

The Icelandic model is a community-based approach to youth development that has seen remarkable success in Iceland and has been adapted by other countries around the world.

By |2023-04-06T10:50:21-04:00April 6, 2023|Current Reseach|Comments Off on Building Strong Communities for Youth: The Icelandic Model
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