Happy Holidays Partners and Supporters in Prevention!
Discover in this festive holiday newsletter, content covering prevention campaigns happening throughout December and explore our latest resource released about the impacts of marijuana on breastfeeding, as part of our educational initiative focused on marijuana and pregnancy. Click on the images to download and start sharing today!
Holiday Survival Guide – Prevention Edition
Our partners at One Choice Prevention have crafted Holiday Prevention Postcards for parents and caregivers, along with Prevention Holiday Social Media Posts for youth. Explore them below and spread the word in your communities and during holiday gatherings.
December is Driving Impaired Prevention Month
Let’s keep our roads safe and spirits high this holiday season. Join us in raising awareness and making responsible choices behind the wheel by planning ahead, calling for a ride, driving when sober, and looking out for others to help them do the same.
By making these choices, we can help prevent another family from having an empty seat at their table this holiday season.
Related links:
Proclamation on National Impaired Driving Month