Our Vision

A world where all people live free of the burden and impact of drug use.

Drug Free America Foundation (DFAF) is dedicated to tackling the pervasive issue of substance use and its far-reaching impacts on individuals, families, and communities. Substance use leads to significant health, social, and economic problems, including substance use disorders, mental health disorders, crime, and reduced productivity. Despite various efforts, many communities lack the resources and education necessary to effectively prevent and treat substance use disorders. DFAF aims to fill this gap by providing comprehensive educational campaigns, professional development, and advocacy to promote prevention, treatment, and recovery at local and global levels. By addressing these critical issues, DFAF strives to build healthier, safer communities and influence sound drug policies worldwide.

Our Mission

Drug Free America Foundation, Inc. is a drug prevention and policy organization committed to developing strategies and educational programs that prevent drug use and promote sustained recovery. We engage and collaborate to foster healthier, drug-free communities through a multifaceted approach. Our primary goals include:

Preventing Substance Use: Develop and disseminate educational resources and campaigns to raise awareness about the dangers of substance use and promote prevention strategies.

Supporting Treatment and Recovery: Provide training and resources for professionals in the treatment and recovery fields, ensuring effective and compassionate care for those affected by substance use disorders.

Influencing Drug Policies: Advocate for evidence-based drug policies at local, national, and international levels, ensuring that prevention, treatment, and recovery are prioritized in policy discussions.

Empowering Global Networks: Strengthen global collaboration by supporting networks like the Global Task Force, enabling professionals to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices to shape effective drug policies worldwide.

Promoting Drug-Free Workplaces: Equip employers and employees with the tools and knowledge needed to maintain safe, productive, and drug-free work environments.

Through these goals, DFAF strives to create sustainable change, improve public health, and enhance the quality of life in communities around the world.

Our Team




Board of Directors

Ambassador Mel Sembler
Ambassador Mel SemblerChair Emeritus
Betty S. Sembler (1931-2022)
Betty S. Sembler (1931-2022)Chair Emerita
Walter Loenbenberg
Walter LoenbenbergPresident Emeritus
Wendy Danicourt
Wendy DanicourtVice Chair
Donna R. Smith, PhD
Donna R. Smith, PhDTreasurer
Jeremy D. Bailie
Jeremy D. BailieChair
J. Tyler Payne, Esq.
J. Tyler Payne, Esq.Chair
Ashley Overland
Ashley OverlandSecretary


James W. Holton, Esq.
James W. Holton, Esq.
Judge Irene H. Sullivan (Ret.)
Judge Irene H. Sullivan (Ret.)
Daniel Zsido
Daniel Zsido
Jason Holloway
Jason Holloway
Jennifer Webb
Jennifer Webb
Logan Sembler
Logan Sembler

Special Advisors & Advisory Board

Special Advisors

Ernst Aeschbach, M.D.

David G. Evans, Esq.

David A. Gross, M.D., FAPA

Eric Voth, M.D., FACP

Advisory Board

Lana Beck, MPA – Chair

John Arnett

Richard M. Baker, Esq.

Malcolm K. Beyer, Jr.

Theodore L. Caputi

Robert L. DuPont, M.D.

James Gills, M.D.

Alfred Hoffman, Jr.

William S. Jacobs, Jr., M.D.

Michele M. Leonhart

Ambassador Melvyn Levitsky

David M. Martin, PhD

Christy McCampbell

H. Lee Moffitt, Esq.

William Montgomery, Esq.

Ana Navarro

Senator Patrick K. Neal

Reta Newman

Steven A. Raymund

Senator Darryl Ervin Rouson

Will Weatherford

Ronald Weaver, Esq.

Khori Whittaker

Goodwill Ambassadors

Sheila Raye Charles (2016-2017)

Mariah Larocque

Venice Maki


Executive Director

Amy Ronshausen

Deputy Director

Chantel Lincoln, MPH, CPH

Program Manager

Heather Horning

Program Coordinator

Stefanny Funes

Office Administrator

Erica Solivan