Current Research

Unpacking E-cigarette Use Among College Students

Nearly all college students who use e-ci

Surge in Fentanyl Poisoning Among American Children

Over the past 11 years, cases of illicit

The Escalating Youth Overdose Crisis in America

In 2022, roughly 22 innocent kids died e

International Overdose Awareness Day

This day is the largest yearly initiati

Drug-Related Deaths Involving Xylazine Soar in U.S.

Fatal overdoses involving the animal tra

National Prevention Week Activities

Drug Free America Foundation is joining

Marijuana policies and opioid mortality rates

Analyzing data from 1999 to 2019, resear

Resources Now Available in Creole!

The resources for our marijuana and preg

Genetics, Drugs, and Mental Health

Analyzing the genome of over 1 million p

Women and Weed

Join us for a riveting webinar, "Women a

What to Know About Delta-8

Have you noticed a proliferation of adve

New Report on 2021 Drug-Related Emergency Department Visits

Drug-Related Emergency Visits

The Drug Abuse Warning Network, also kno

Adolescent Drug Overdose Deaths Skyrocketing

A new analysis of trends in drug overdos

It’s National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week!

Drug Free America Foundation is proud to

DFAF Produces Six New Resources!

Check out our new resources covering a v

Overdose deaths top 100,000

According to the latest data from the CD

Marijuana use associated with non-medical opioid use

In a study of 211 patients from the grea

Overdoses Reach Their Highest Level Ever

New data released by the CDC show that o

Rising Marijuana Potency: A Global Phenomenon

Dr. Sharif Mohr, epidemiologist at Drug

Marijuana Use Increases Acute Post-op Pain

Compared to patients undergoing the same

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