Tags: "marijuana"

05 Jan

Marijuana and Pregnancy Regional and Community Town Hall

DFAF hosted a Marijuana and Pregnancy Lunch and Learn and Community Town Hall for the Suncoast region as part of our marijuana and pregnancy educational program.

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22 Dec

New Data – 2022 United States Youth Substance Use Trends

Newly released data from the 2022 Monitoring the Future Survey revealed that amongst youth in the United States, the overall reported substance use throughout the past year has been steady or significantly less than substance use before the 2020 COVID ...

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21 Dec

What you should know about marijuana and pregnancy

Just released! Don't be fooled by Big Marijuana's deceptive messages. Learn the real risks of marijuana use during pregnancy to protect you and your baby with this new short PSA.

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14 Dec

Alcohol exposures declining steadily while marijuana exposures growing strongly among children, according to U.S. poison center reports

From 2000 to 2020, over 330,000 reports were made to the National Poison Data System on intentional substance misuse and abuse exposures for kids ages 6 to 18.

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12 Dec

NEW! DFAF Kicks off Marijuana and Pregnancy Project in the State of FL

We're excited to announce that DFAF has kicked off our Marijuana and Pregnancy project in the state of Florida and is focused on reducing the number of women using marijuana while pregnant and breastfeeding.

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29 Nov

Fetal & Neonatal Marijuana Exposure: Speaking For Those Unable to Speak For Themselves

Expanding legalization across the country has created an ever increasing question about fetal and neonatal exposure to the compounds found in marijuana. As research continues, the medical community is uncovering many more risks than benefits making education a priority to ...

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04 Nov

Alarming Trends of Marijuana Use Among Pregnant Women in the U.S.

Studies have linked marijuana use during pregnancy with a number of adverse health effects on the developing child such as low birth weight, fetal growth restriction, preterm birth, increased NICU admission, stillbirth, and later development of problem behaviors and mental ...

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14 Sep

Largest Long-Term Study on Children’s Development in U.S. Finds Prenatal Marijuana Use Affects Child For Many Years

Researchers find that marijuana use after the middle of the first trimester is associated with various mental disorders including attention, social, and behavioral problems for the affected child and these conditions continue through the pre-teen years.

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26 Aug

New National Data Released on Substance Use Behaviors Among Young Adults

New data on substance use behaviors among young adults ages 19 to 30 released by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) finds that marijuana and hallucinogen use among young adults ages 19 to 30 are at an all-time high.

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15 Aug

Is Marijuana Legalization Adding to the Opioid Crisis? Another Study Suggests So.

A new analysis proposes that marijuana legalization in the United States has added to the U.S. opioid overdose crisis, disputing the claim by Big Marijuana that the availability of marijuana reduces deaths from opioids.

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